I grew up in Kansas with big blue skies, white puffy clouds and waving wheat fields. Loving nature and the beauty the earth gives us, from early childhood I have been drawn to art; intrigued with the magic of color, shapes, and light. Graduating from crayons to paints, high school and collage art classes stimulated a budding talent. Through the years, I studied oils, acrylics, and watercolor with many world-renowned artists, and in turn, shared my skills with teaching others. Working in each medium nurtured my expression, development, and skill. And now, going forward, I am excited about Alcohol/Ink.
Expressing myself through Art is a challenge that I love. As with life’s journey, it’s about working through the process that brings a greater reward than the completed painting. I feel a passionate connection with Alcohol/Ink. Becoming one with the work; it speaks to me and I to it. A yin and yang in the process, a freedom and control, with an outcome of flowing human emotions. The viewer is sent on a visual path; free to explore their inner self, and connection to the earth.
Judy’s paintings hang in public and private collections throughout the country.
Contact her at judygaggero@comcast.net