Sandy received a B.S. Degree from Columbia U., School of Occupational Therapy, and practiced as an OTR for many years. She had training in many artistic & craft media and enjoys taking pictures and post -computer processing. Sandy has lived in beautiful South Florida for the past 30 years. She loves the year-round warm climate and the outdoors. There is always something of beauty to photograph, whether wild birds, wildlife, flowers & botanicals, people, architecture or Land and Seascapes. Sandy was born and raised in New York City. Whenever she has an opportunity to visit the city she loves, she reserves time to photograph her favorite places. Midtown, lower Manhattan, the city skylines (east, the East River;& Westside, the Hudson Skyline) including the bridges, streets, stores, subways, and the people.Sandy has had her photographs displayed in many juried shows, galleries, and they hang in many homes in South Florida. She has won a number of “Best-In-Show”, Special Merit, and Honorable Mention Awards. If you would like to see more of her work, she can be reached at SandyFriedkin@comcast.nethttps://sandyfriedkin1942.viewbug.com